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Palacios Library Inc


National Parks

National Park Ranger Zone
Become a junior ranger and talk to a forest ranger about what he does on the park. Find the Junior Ranger program closest to you.

National Wildlife Federation
Celebrate wildlife by exploring careers, doing fun crafts, making yummy treats, and viewing pictures of some of the coolest animals on the web.


Weather Wiz

Visit this site for all your weather questions.  Also listed... Historic storms, and why they are named.


Kids Gardening
See what students are doing with plants and find out everything you ever wanted to know about worms.



Head to the US Geological Survey for all you need to know about rocks and topography.  

BBC Education – The Essential Guide to Rocks
The Essential Guide to Rocks - Take a virtual trip around Great Britain to see their rocky past and watch a presentation on the formation of the Earth.

Rocks for Kids
This is a site for all kids who love rocks -- if you collect rocks, then this is the site for you!