The Palacios Library, Inc. participates in the national interlibrary loan program that permits the library to borrow material for its patrons from other libraries. This interlibrary loan service is available to all patrons whose record is clear of fines and overdue items. Books and photocopies of articles from periodicals not owned by the Palacios Library, Inc., or that are otherwise unavailable, may be requested for loan through interlibrary loan. Recordings, microfilm and genealogy materials may be requested but are often difficult to obtain.
The Palacios Library, Inc. does not charge for interlibrary loan service; however the patron is responsible to pay for postage to return back to lending library, and any charges or fines imposed by the lending library. Every attempt will be made to borrow items from libraries that do not charge fees for loaning materials. If a patron does not wish to borrow an item if charges are imposed (such as postage, insurance fees, lending fees, photocopying charges), this must be stipulated when the request is made. Fines for overdue materials and processing costs for lost items will vary with the lending library and are the responsibility of the patron.
The library may restrict the number of items requested by an individual patron or “meter” the number of items referred through interlibrary loan when necessary to ensure fair, equitable, and timely service within the constraints of budget and staffing. This action will only be taken in consultation with the patron and alternative sources for service will be suggested. Requests that staff determines may violate copyright laws will not be accepted. Photocopies received through interlibrary loan will be stamped with a notice of copyright.
The Palacios Library, Inc. will loan items to other libraries with exception of the following types of materials:
· Audiovisual materials
· Rare and valuable materials
· Items on reserve to Palacios Library patrons
· Telephone directories
· Microfilm (copies may be requested, see below)
· Reference materials
· New books that have been in the collection less than six months
As a provider, the Library accepts ILL requests only from other libraries, not individuals.
Items loaned to other libraries for the borrowing libraries’ cardholders will be loaned for four weeks, and are not subject to renewal.
Copies of requested materials will be provided at a charge of 10 cents per page. This includes items that are either photocopies or printed from scanned microfilm. No copies will be made in violation of the copyright law.
No fee will be charged for the loan or for mailing the requested materials. No overdue fees will be assessed.
Charges will be assessed if the item is returned damaged or is lost. Libraries that have unpaid, repair, or replacement costs for ILL items loaned to them will not be able to borrow further ILL materials from the Palacios Library, Inc. until the charges are paid.