Computer Policies
This is a brief outline of the policy. If you wish to see the full version contact the library staff.
1. If you wish to use a computer,
you must sign at the front desk, and acknowledge rules
of the library regarding computer
2. No saving documents and other
things on hard drives or disks without express consent of the staff.
3. No programs, games, etc. may
be loaded on the computers.
4. No changing of computer setups,
including icons, menu changes, backgrounds, etc.
5. Time limit for computer use
is 30 minutes. If no other patrons are waiting, time will be added in 15
minute increments.
6. Print-outs will be 10 cents
each for black-and-white, and $1.00 for color.
7. Anyone caught not following
the policies listed will be barred from use of the computers.
8. If you are having any computer
problems, notify the library staff immediately.
The following policies are added for Internet use:
1. No downloading from the internet!
You may have copies printed for 10 cents each for black-and-white or $1.00
each for color.
2 Juvenile computers will be monitored
and filtered. Adults will be on the honor system.
3. No chat groups except educational
ones. Examples of educational ones are available at the desk.
4. No viewing of materials that
may be offensive to others. The library cannot be held
liable for anyone's actions which
might offend or damage others.
5. No changing the computer setups.
If you are having any computer problems, notify the library staff immediately.
6. There should be no more than
2 or 3 people at anyone computer, and then only for specific purposes.
7. Anyone caught not following
the rules set forth in this policy will be barred from use of the computers
and the internet.
8. The library is offering the use of
the computers and the internet as a free service. PLEASE DO NOT ABUSE THIS
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This page was updated on Monday, February 14, 2006.
Questions or comments should be directed to
[email protected]