The Palacios Library strives to provide material that meets the day-to-day educational, informational, cultural, and recreational interests and needs of the community. The library endeavors to purchase materials which are of permanent and current value, and represent the best available to meet the community's needs.
The following principles will condition selection:
1. Contemporary significance or
permanent value.
2. Accuracy.
3. Authority of author.
4. Relation of work to existing
5. Price, format, and ease of
6. Scarcity of information in
subject areas.
7. Availability of material elsewhere
in community.
8. Popular demand and local interest.
9. Space availability.
The library supports intellectual
freedom and has adopted the following statement as policy: ALA Freedom
to Read Statement, ALA Library Bill of Rights, and the "Freedom to View"
statement of the American Film and Video Association. The responsibility
for the choice of children' s materials rests with their parents or legal
guardians. Selection should not be inhibited by the possibility that materials
may inadvertently come into the possession of children. The library does
not stand in loco parentis. Citizen requests for reconsideration shall
be made in writing and given to the librarian for a written response. Appeals
are directed to the Board for final decision.
An up-to-date, attractive, and
useful collection is maintained by retaining or replacing essential materials,
and removing, on a systematic and continuous basis, those works that are
worn, outdated, of little historical significance, or no longer in demand.
Gifts shall meet the same selection
criteria as purchased materials. Gifts are accepted subjects to the following
limitations: (1) the library retains unconditional ownership; (2) the library
makes the final decision on acceptance, use, or disposition.
Any Palacios Library branch will
follow the same policy as the Palacios Library, Inc.
The director has the responsibility
for material selection and weeding.
The Collection Policy will be
reviewed as needed.
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This page was updated on Monday, February 14, 2006.
Questions or comments should be directed to
[email protected]